Welcome to the First Baptist Church at Lowell
Sermon Download Area

Dear Brother/Sister in Christ,

Note that the filenames for all sermons reference the date they were recorded. For example, "013005ss.mp3" was recorded on the first month and the 30th day of the year 2005. The "ss" in the filename indicates "Sunday School".  Similarly an "am" denotes a morning service, a "pm" denotes an evening service, a "th" denotes Thursday, and an "sp" denotes a special program. The group of letters following the period or "dot" in the filename is known as the extension. An extension of "mp3" indicates mpeg encoding and is playable by just about any multimedia player whether it's on Windows, Vista, Windows 7, Linux, or one of the BSD (unix-like) operating systems. An extension of "ogg" indicates the "OGG Vorbis" format and can be played with nearly any player written for Linux or the BSD operating systems. For Windows there are a few third party OGG Vorbis decode filters that can be down-loaded via the web.

You will find two files that list the sermons posted on this server and they are as follows:
(1). sermon_list_ms_word.doc is viewable with OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, and Internet Explorer on either Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7.
(2). sermon_list.html is viewable with any web browser.

We hope that you will find these sermons helpful in your Christian life and that they will be resourceful as you study God's Authorized Version 1611 Bible.

Love in Christ,
Mike IT Manager at FBCL ;^)

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OpenOffice is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems.  The Xiph Fish Logo is a trademark of Xiph.org.
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